Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is one of my recent edits for "Make It Interesting" Challenge Group.

We run 4 challenges continuously, the challenges last for 9 days, then vote for 3 days.
Our members are given a source image & asked to manipulate it.

* Catwoman *

I have used my favourite model from Marcus Ranum's amazing stock collection.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

S2 Wraps edits are very addictive.

If you would like to try this style, please visit our group here. There is a tutorial on the group page.

These are some of my S2 edits.

*  AJ -  S2 Wraps Blend  *

* Species *

* Amy Lee-Greystoke *

* PG # 3 *
This is an edit I did today for Textures Only Competition #82

* Mother Nature *

The competition thread can be found here

We run weekly competitions. Group members are given a source image & must use one or more textures from the group in their edit.

Drop on over & show us your work.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am eagerly awaiting the release of the movie Alice In Wonderland directed by Tim Burton & starring my favourite actor Johnny Depp.

I have an Alice in Wonderland set, these are some of the images from my set & I can't wait to see the movie for some inspiration.

* The Magical World Of Alice *

* Doors All Around *

* Do Cats Eat Bats? Do Bats Eat Cats? *

* Meeting The Puppy *  (Version 2)
I love to create textures, I have just reached texture #1,000 in my texture set.

These are some samples of my textures. They are all available for download with creative commons By Attribution license.

* Wine & Roses *

* Scratch Grunge TTV *

* Feathered Gold *

* Rainbow Spirits *

Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome to my Blog.
I am a self-taught Photoshop addict, I have been using CS3 Extended for just over 2 years now.
These are some of my favourite edits on my Flickr photostream.

* The Silence Screams The Truth *

* The House *

* The Mushroom Faery *

~ What I Am Looking For Is Not Out There….It Is In Me ~